Booking appointments

Patients may arrange face to face appointments on the same day or up to one week in advance. You can book appointments at any time during working hours either by phone (028 90204218) or by coming in to reception.
Appointment slots are for 10 minutes and you can also request a telephone appointment instead of face to face.
Please give the receptionist as much detail as you can when booking your appointment as this often can help the doctor prepare for your consultation. Be assured that our receptionists are under the same obligations of maintaining patient confidentiality and are fully trained in this.
Leaving Telephone Messages
If you do not need to see a doctor you can still leave a message. Messages are taken between 08:30 – 11:30 and this will be dealt with by the appropriate professional. Please note that messages can only be taken on a daily basis and that a doctor will not normally be able to call you back.
We would ask you to let us know as soon as possible if you cannot attend a booked appointment as this will allow us to offer the slot to another patient.
Sick Children
Sick children will be seen as soon as possible in the surgery. This will be quicker than a home visit. The receptionist will advise on the best time to come.
Practice Nurses
In a number of cases it might be worth considering an appointment with a practice nurse rather than a doctor. Practice nurses are qualified to deal with many conditions and you may be seen more quickly.
Practice Pharmacists
We now have two pharmacists on our practice team (part time). They will be running some clinics and assisting with the smooth running of our repeat prescribing systems. Occasionally they may need to get in touch with you about prescriptions.